In 2021, we created a Justice Ministry here at St. Matthew’s. There are so many opportunities for learning about and starting to try to understand the challenges and struggles of our black, indigenous, people of colour and 2SLGTBQIA+ friends and neighbours. We have been working as a ministry to help educate our members and friends by providing opportunities for learning through emails, the sermons, book studies and sharing of available learning opportunities outside of our church community. We continue to work towards God’s vision of creation.
“When we turn a blind eye to racism or do nothing to correct systems that perpetuate the mistreatment of others, then we are passively condoning and continuing those systems. If we refuse to walk alongside God to fix brokenness, then we are continuing to break and destroy, When we refuse to stand in solidarity with those who need our support, we are willfully standing apart from them. God calls us and empowers us to do better. And God faithfully walks with us in this work,” Bishop Jason Zinko (Manitoba/Northern Ontario Synod) for the July/August 2020 Canada Lutheran

Red Dress Journey
On Sunday, February 18 we held our Red Dress Journey at St. Matthew’s. 56 people from the United in Faith Ministry attended the service. Included in the service was the 4 directions prayer and information was shared about the Red Dress Project and the Moose Hide pins. There was an opportunity to write a prayer to Creator on a strip of red paper. These papers were then made into a prayer chain which will travel between the 3 churches during the year. There was an art walk you could take part in during our time of fellowship and red ribbons were tied to the railing outside and our 2 peace poles. It was a very informative and thought-provoking morning for everyone.